24/02/2022 04:45:00

Nine arrested in Sicilian transport graft case. 10 mn euros of rigged contracts say police

  Nine people were arrested Tuesday on suspicion of corruption in the Sicilian public-transport sector.

The heads of regional transport company AST were placed under investigation in the probe.

Police said some 10 million euros' worth of public tenders were rigged.

Hirings in the sector were made by politicians, they added.

Sicily Governor Nello Musumeci said he had tried in vain to get AST to remove its head.

EA2G | 2025-03-02 08:55:00

Credito d'imposta per gli investimenti nella "ZES unica"

Disponibile anche per il 2025 il contributo sotto forma di credito di imposta fino al 60% (80% per il settore agricolo) a favore delle imprese che effettuato investimenti nella zona economica speciale unica che ricomprende le seguenti regioni:...