03/10/2021 04:10:00

Big operation seeking Messina Denaro's hideout in Sicily

  Italian police on Friday staged a massive operation, searching sites in many parts of Sicily, as part of the effort to find the hideout of fugitive Cosa Nostra boss Matteo Messina Denaro.

The 'superboss' is still recognised as the leader of the Sicilian Mafia, deciding who is promoted or demoted, despite having been on the run since 1993.

Around 150 officers were involved in the operation in various parts of the region.

The searches focused on people suspected of helping Messina Denaro. 

Native | 2024-04-30 09:39:00

Aprire una nuova attività in Sicilia: 5 idee per te

Se stai pensando di aprire una nuova attività in Sicilia, hai scelto una regione ricca di opportunità e cultura. La Sicilia non è solo famosa per le sue bellezze naturali e storiche, ma offre anche un ambiente favorevole per gli...